Becoming BulletProof!

Becoming BulletProof!


We hope everyone had a great Father’s Day weekend and were able to spend some time with loved ones.

With the arrival and passing of Father’s Day it means the Summer Solstice is just around the corner. Besides being the longest day of the year it, it officially means Summer is upon us and the Beach/ BBQ Season is in full effect.

To combat the gluttony and encourage us all to maintain our gains we will be doing our best to promote positive application of nutritional habits all while continually programming to accommodate gains!

Here is a starting point for food consumption for most of us.

Eat 4-6 Servings of Protein   (About the size of your palm)
4-6 Servings of Veggies   (About the ball of your fist
2-3 Servings of Carbs (Sweet Taters, Rice, Oatmeal, White potatoes) About the ball of your first
4-6 Fat (for oil or nut butter about the size of your thumb, raw nuts or avocado about the size of open palm

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