22 May The Little Things
How you do the little things matter the most. Do you really dislike the foam roller or stretching? Are you struggling with you overhead mobility or keep hearing coaches say the same cues to help you? If you can relate to this (hint hint, everyone can) then it’s time to look at another approach.
There’s no doubt you’ve heard one of us say “_______ with a purpose.” The reason for this is because we don’t coach just to put a checkmark in the daily box just like you don’t come to Balboa to do the same. We coach with the purpose of educating our members on what we know to be the best information out there.
You may ask “why do we foam roll/ roll out?” Sometimes stretching and warm-ups don’t get to all the soft tissue areas that may be limiting you.
Or you are thinking “why do we put an emphasis on weights?” I’ve never met anyone who was too strong, but also your bodies have limits of your cardio and strength thresholds. In order to improve these, we change the focus of our eight week cycles to help you not plateau in one area.
The little things may just be getting your chin over the bar for that last pull-up or locking out your final shoulder to overhead. Yes of course you are tired, we know that but we never advocate sacrificing your quality just to finish a few seconds earlier.
Take care of the smaller details, like stretching post workout and I promise they will pay off in other areas of your life.
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